Golf Carts, Accessories, Parts, Batteries, Covers

Electric Golf Carts

Electric Golf carts have become people’s choice, an alternative or replacement for cars nowadays. Electric golf carts are tiny vehicles used for transportation by people. It is cheaper when compared to gas-operated golf carts and thus it is used extensively on roads nowadays.


Electric Golf carts – alternatives for transportation
Most of the communities in U.S have started using Electric Golf Carts for transportation inside the community and also on roads along with the other Cars. Some communities have allocated dedicated lanes in the parking lot for Golf Carts. The speed of Electric Golf Cart is 20 mph and hence it can be used on roads with lower speed limit. Since the vehicle is so tiny, the number passengers that the vehicle can accommodate are 3-4. When the Gas price hit 4$ per Gallon, Electric golf carts were used extensively in U.S.


Electric Golf Carts – User friendly
Electric Golf Carts use Lead – acid batteries and run using a Electric Motor. They are designed to be used like Cell Phones; you can use them all throughout the day and can charge the batteries during Night. Some models provide other charging mechanisms like we can charge the battery whenever the Cart is not in use. Carts are available in the following models: 24 volt, 36 volt, 48 volt, 76 volt. 48 volt is the best amongst them.


Generative braking feature recharges the batteries whenever the cart slows down and thereby increases the life of battery. Electric Golf carts are less expensive then Gasoline Golf carts. The operating cost of electric Golf cart is very less. This is the prime reason that people choose Electric Golf Cart. Changing oil, air filters need to be done regularly. Though maintenance cost is less than gas Golf carts. It’s a task that has to be done periodically. Lead – Acid batteries must be replaced once in two years which is a overhead.


Other than Electric and Gas Golf carts, Diesel Golf carts have entered market nowadays and they produce high torque. Their performance is great and definitely they are cheaper then the Gas Golf Carts.